At SPSI we base our training, testing and match analysis on the scientific method. The player development plan is based on the results of the objective performance measurements of the player during the game readiness testing and match analysis.
Players and parents receive reports of the periodic testing and match analysis and are given feedback and goals for the next period. The key performance indicators of basic skills performance, soccer-specific fitness, and technical, tactical, and physical match performance are compared to expected values and then discussed to set objectives for development.

Scientific Publications
At the Soccer Performance and Science Institute players and families have access to numerous scientific publications on areas of interest in soccer science, match performance, fitness, and health:
Game readiness and match performance analysis,
Energy stores in soccer players muscles,
Effects of different forms of soccer training on key physiological parameters,
Whole Body and Muscle Energy Metabolism in soccer players,
Body Composition and Nutritional assessment in soccer players,
Genetic interactions with exercise and diet on health indicators.